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Monday, 29 April 2013

Meee!!!!!!!!! :O

so yh on youtube ive posted some vids o me!!!!! :o lol i look gay in all o thm but hey whevs!!! yh so here ma first vid! B-)

lol! i look funny!

p.s sorry i havnt posted recently!! 
DD xoxoxoxox

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

LOL i got BOOTED! x'D

OMG LOL! i went to this dudes house called Hausnain Akhmat on small worlds and i went to his house and turned him into a fish head! x'D lol and yet he still has me as his friend? ...freak!!!!!! lol

Friday, 19 April 2013

Im NOT a lesbian!

Im not  lesbian! Movie is my 4th bff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! okay? get that into your heads! i haven't had too many probs wiv it only the occasional  dude in chat rooms but i deal wiv them!(MWHAHAHAH)  but movie hs been getting mean messages saying tht she is gay and stuff!...ITS NOT ON! okay! 4TH BFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Just accept ppl the way they are!  

Wednesday, 17 April 2013


FLIPPIN love this song!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This song COMPLETELY explains me; as i am a blonde!  I LOVE BEING BLONDE!

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Small worlds :3

L00ol Small worlds is so funny! xD  the person circled is moi! i look rly bad atm! but i dnt give two shits about wht i look like! xD anyway! yh small worlds is a bit like msp nd Sims but not as good! (i love sims) anyway the other thing i have "outlined" is someone sayin ""-licks her-"" i was like WDF! weiiiiieeerrd! yh so if u join small world add meh im called ... darkdreamermovie DD...kk? :D 


Saturday, 13 April 2013

Hi pebbles / Lizzie

This yur is my BFF! she is called Lizzie in rl and on msp shes called hi pebbles! she is AMAZINNNGGG  :OO And is good at everything! She is doing RLY well on msp and plz help her lvl up (help me too xD ♥)ohh and we mayb goin on a horsey holiday together too! :D
LOVE YH Liz / Hi pebbles!(friendly way)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx♥♥♥♥♥♥
p.s plz check out her awesome blog 

Friday, 12 April 2013


Okay so me and my friend lizze ( on msp called hi pebbles) we errm went MENTAL!!!!! And we were making Meringues and decided to film it like we had our own tv show on ITV (witch we decided tht we should of chosen bbc lol)  so we thn wrote our recipe for the Meringues! ( we just copyed and pasted it from a rondom website) so here is our recipe!...


Preheat the oven to fan 100C/ conventional 110C/gas 1⁄4. Line 2 baking sheets with Bake-O-Glide non-stick liner or parchment paper (meringue can stick on greaseproof paper and foil).

  1. Tip the 4 large egg whites into a large clean mixing bowl (not plastic). Beat them on medium speed with an electric hand whisk until the mixture resembles a fluffy cloud and stands up in stiff peaks when the blades are lifted.
  2. Now turn the speed up and start to add 115g caster sugar, a dessertspoonful at a time. Continue beating for 3-4 seconds between each addition. It's important to add the sugar slowly at this stage as it helps prevent the meringue from weeping later. However, don't over-beat. When ready, the mixture should be thick and glossy.
  3. Sift one third of the 115g icing sugar over the mixture, then gently fold it in with a big metal spoon or rubber spatula. Continue to sift and fold in the remaining icing sugar a third at a time. Again, don't over-mix. The mixture should now look smooth and billowy, almost like a snow drift.
  4. Scoop up a heaped dessertspoonful of the mixture. Using another dessertspoon, ease it on to the baking sheet to make an oval shape (pic 3). Or just drop them in rough rounds, if you prefer. Bake for 1 1⁄2-1 3⁄4 hours in a fan oven, 1 1⁄4 hours in a conventional or gas oven, until the meringues sound crisp when tapped underneath and are a pale coffee colour. Leave to cool on the trays or a cooling rack. (The meringues will now keep in an airtight tin for up to 2 weeks, or frozen for a month.) Serve two meringues sandwiched together with a generous dollop of softly whipped double cream.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Pole Dancing! :O

Pole dancing.... u may think! yes were pole dancing at movie's house! Yup me, James, Emily and Emily! xD and yes i rly am sayin "Ima take your grandpa's style! Anyway were just having a great time!!! ;b love you guys (friendly apart from my movie ;p lol )
DD xxxx

Movie =D ♥

♥Movieeeeeeeeeee ♥
Dis iz ma amazing moviee!  she iz epic in every SINGLE way! she iz supa nice and well yh were going out! were not rly lesbians more 4thh bff thing i spose! but hey ho i love yh moviee ! ♥ :p 
Check out her blog : u could probs see it on the pic but u no just incase u couldnt thn there u go  =D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
DD xxx 

Monday, 1 April 2013

i dnt no how much longer

AGHHHHHHHHH I DONT NO HOW MUCH LONGER I CAN TAKE MSP!  i mean i come on it to have fun chat wiv ma m8's but lately its been rly hard ppl quitting and stuff! soon i wonder if it will b me quitting! D= anyway im stayin for now! so dont get ur knickers in a twist! ;p                       u see tht ppl are getting upset about ppl quittin and they always think it there falt!! its not fair! >.<