I Just felt like posting some awesome photos..so...here they are i guess!!
These are my Ducklings!! there REALLY cute!!!
This is me =D
This is my best pal Smokey!! I love him to bits!!! Me and Smokey are forever!! x ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
This is an epic sock my sister bought me from hong kong! (shes still out in hong kong now)
This is me on Toddy! he is amazing that piccy is of me warming up 4 a dressage test!! it ma fave piccy! Like i said for smokey Me and Toddy are forever!! oh btw in tht dressage come i got 2nd and 3rd! =D ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ DD xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
My best friends dog was out down today! and she is REALLY up set as am i! i made this thing for her to kinda help her and im putting it on here to show u guys! it may seem stupid to make such big fuss over a dog but thistle was an amazing dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she had a sweet innocent face she was a dog who always wanted to please you and in a way protected you!!!!!! she got this disease which meant that she was loosing the ability to use her back legs she got worse today so they had to put here down! :'( i made this 4 my bff because she hasn't stopped crying since her mum told her today!!!!!!!! :'( i hope you guys like it too! ♥♥♥♥♥